Excellence in Christian Education
Calvin Christian School partners with parents to engage and equip students for a life beyond school. From Kindergarten to Year 12, we offer young people the opportunity to belong to a transformational Christian learning community that celebrates and cares for them as unique individuals, enabling them to be their best.
Our school is committed to working with parents to provide students with excellence in Christian education. At Calvin we educate for the future by teaching thinking, fostering service, and nurturing identity. Our students have the opportunity to stay in the same school from Kindergarten to Year 12, benefitting from a continuity of values and expectations. Our campus is located in Kingston, Tasmania.
The greatest challenge is to Be the Best person that we can be. We want to emphasise the importance of love, compassion, courage, dignity, generosity of spirit, and honesty. In Christianity the concept of Being is vital. Through the intervention of Jesus, we are able to move from our fallen nature to being a new creation.
In an age when children are told their identity is defined by what they do, or how they look, we affirm that character counts. Defining who you are is always the first step in building character. The Christian emphasis in life can be explained in the following sequence: I need to ‘Be’ in order to ‘Do’, in order to ‘Have’.
In the future our students will be entrepreneurs, scholars, leaders and team members. They will be husbands and wives. They will be parents. They will encourage greatness in others.
To be successful you need to:
Be persistent
Be visionary
Be dedicated
Be courageous
Be the person who crosses the room to lend a hand
Be able to think
Be loyal
Be tenacious
The most recent National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) ranking placed Calvin as one of the best private schools in Hobart and the equal of other independent schools. We believe that a values-driven school can be academically rigorous achieving the best outcomes for students.
Calvin Christian School was the first school of its kind to be established in Australia.
Today there are eighty similar schools across the nation. The Association of Christians that founded Calvin Christian School was united in its desire to provide students with a Christian education, and the belief that parents, rather than the Government or the Church, were primarily responsible for the type of education their children received. The school, which was funded and built by the Association, opened in January 1962 with an enrolment of 77 primary students.
Calvin’s heritage strongly reflects both the diversity found in the school community as well as the unity that is found in shared Christian belief. It was the vision of the founders and remains the vision of the school to provide a Christian education to all those in the community who desire it, and those others who value such an education.
As the school’s reputation for educational excellence developed, so the desire for Secondary (Years 7-10) and Senior Secondary (Years 11-12) education grew. Secondary classes commenced at Calvin in 1976 with senior secondary classes commencing in 1990. Calvin is now a thriving community of approximately 500 students.
Calvin Christian School is named after the 16th century French protestant theologian, writer and reformer, John Calvin. The school's founding members honoured the Protestant Reformation and the work of John Calvin by naming the school after him.