Our Kindergarten uses the Early Years Learning Framework to shape its curriculum and outlook. This means all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life. Kinder at Calvin offers your child the very best start.
Watch our Kinder Film!
The Primary Campus provides a safe, supportive and dynamic environment, which enables young children to approach school life with enthusiasm, confident that they are loved and valued.
Australian Curriculum
Classes from Prep to Year 6 follow the Australian Curriculum. While the Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what Emmanuel students are taught, our teachers choose contexts for learning, and plan learning in ways that best fit Christian beliefs and worldview as well as the vision for Christian Education. Through the Australian Curriculum framework, we aim to grow students into independent thinkers who are able to use creativity, invention, and logic to present and interpret their views and the views of others.
Working along-side the Australian Curriculum guidelines, students are taught using multiple whole school learning frameworks to help develop continuity in their learning journey. This includes the use of THRASS (Teaching Handwriting Reading and Spelling Skills) and Sharp Reading.
These evidence-based approaches enable our teachers to support multi-level classes and mixed abilities along with developing a shared language and understanding across Year levels. Year 5 and 6 students are taught Mathematics using the online Maths Pathway program. This allows students to work on individual programs giving opportunities for support and extension to all students at their own level.
The relationship between school and home is essential to enhance continued progress for all students. At Calvin we see the importance of regular contact with parents and class teachers, along with formally reporting on student progress at key stages throughout the year.
Some of our other subjects include
Languages other than English (LOTE) — We study German as part of our LOTE program. All students in Year 3-6 participate in weekly lessons, with the potential to continue into the Secondary School with German being offered in Years 7-12.
Music — The music program includes learning to sing, play instruments, perform, read and analyse music, and create their own music. Calvin also fosters relationships with experienced music tutors who are able to offer additional assistance to students.
Physical and Outdoor Education — In addition to weekly sessions students benefit from, field trips, excursions and visits to places of interest are part of every year group’s teaching and learning program. Year 5 and 6 students visit Canberra every second year.
Caring for your child outside school hours
Our outside school hours care program is managed by Adventure Patch. Adventure Patch encourages your child to explore, play, get messy and connect with nature. This is a great fit for us at Calvin and is designed to complement your child’s school day.
To find out more please visit their website or to being the process of enrolment via the form below.