Calvin Christian School has a variety of Co-Curricular activities that enhance the school experience for our students.
welcome to term 4
Join other students in a friendly game of badminton at Kingborough Sports Centre.
Periods 7 & 8
Join other students in a friendly game of basketball at Kingborough Sports Centre.
Periods 7 & 8
This activity is for those who love quiet reading in the Library. Bring your own book or read one with the group. We'll have cookies, and a relaxing time.
Periods 7 & 8
Learn how to play chess; or, if you are an experienced player, practice your skills against others who enjoy the strategic game.
Periods 7 & 8
Learn how to create a great story and practice your writing skills with others who love creative writing.
Period 7 & 8
Learn how to knit or crochet! Materials will be provided but feel free to bring along your own knitting or crochet projects to work on during this session.
Periods 7 & 8
Flag football is a high energy, non-contact version of American football, where tackles are made by pulling off flags which all players wear on their hips.
Join other secondary students as you learn the rules and have a go at playing this exciting game.
Periods 7 & 8
Art meets organisation! Join in if you want to explore the practice of journalling. Discover the art of organisation and let loose your creativity through writing, reflection and art. Improve your productivity while clearing your head of mess.
Periods 7 & 8
Just Dance is a rhythm game where you can learn new dance moves and stay fit all in one space! Join other students in this fast, fun activity.
Periods 7 & 8
Form a band. Sing a few songs. Learn some new notes and chords. Practise for a group you're already in. Perform for each other, and maybe even a wider audience!
Periods 7 & 8
Join other students to make paper Crafts in the Art Studio! Think Scandinavian paper flowers, card making, collage and more.
Periods 7 & 8
The school's mascot costume has gone missing the day before the big game! The principal is freaking out and needs the students to help find it. Create a character for a "Who Done It?" Mystery Game. Over the weeks of Term 4, we'll learn which of us in the room were responsible for the missing mascot.
Periods 7 & 8
Join with other students who enjoy twisty puzzles (eg. rubik's cubes). There will also be an opportunity to compete in cup stacking, an individual and team sport that involves stacking 9–12 specially designed cups in predetermined sequences as quickly as possible.
Periods 7 & 8
Other Co-curricular opportunities
These are not a part of our regular Co-Curricular Program and run at various times throughout the year.
The Concert Band will perform at assemblies and events at school and beyond in 2024. New and existing players are welcome to join!
For further information, please email us.
Wednesday 3.30pm – 4.30pm in the Performing Arts Centre
If you play a wind, brass or percussion instrument then Development Band could be for you. We are taking this band and other groups on camp again in 2024.
For further information, please email us.
Tuesdays fortnightly 3.30pm – 4.15pm in the Performing Arts Centre
There are a variety of Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools (SATIS) opportunities available to students through the year at Calvin.
Students can find out more information via Student News, through their Health and Physical Education teacher or by emailing us.
Fixtures and games occur at varying times
The Student Theatre company is open to any students from Years 7-12 who would like to be involved in more Drama. The Student Theatre company presents a play mid-year and as well as performing across various other events.
For further information, please email us.
Tuesday from 3.30pm – 5.30pm in the Drama Studio.
This group performed at a number of public events last year, including Oliebollen and the Walking In The Light Festival.
For further information, please email us.
Thursday 3.15pm – 4.45pm
The Worship Band the music at school assemblies and other events. Some experience as a singer or instrumentalist is required. For further information, please email us.