Welcome to third term this year and to the first edition of our new look newsletter.
This format makes for smoother access and more convenient reading. Your engagement with the newsletter should be a more immediate and rewarding experience.
The degree to which you personally engage with the school is important. It isn’t just the staff and I who value your commitment, your children value it enormously. In fact, your engagement in their lives as they learn at school will most likely trigger and foster the most important and defining element in their educational success: a passion for learning.
This passion is the great key to their success in life. Not all learning occurs at a school. However, by its very nature school is an environment that values learning. Everything that we do is designed around a learning experience. As a staff we focus on fostering a passion for learning. We focus on students being involved so learning can happen.
We are well aware that just one learning experience can transform the quality, trajectory and purpose of a child’s life. A passion for learning is the consistent in element in predicting success. Achievement is less of a predictor. The very evidence of your interest and commitment to your child’s learning will be a model and an inspiration to them. If we as adults work to maintain learning at school as the top priority in their lives, then our children will invest in learning.
I encourage you to maintain your child’s learning experiences at school as a top priority in your world. Access to the newsletter is a vital element in this process. Our rationale isn’t just to be slick and professional in our communication. The goal is to assist you to engage easily, so that your child can see you involved and thus validate all that they are going through as a priority in your life.
Knowing the events in the week, being informed about ideas that have currency, and our perspective on them is of immense importance. I look forward to sharing this journey of learning with you all. For secondary parents, I will see you at parent-teacher night next week.
Iain Belôt - Principal