Some weeks at school just seem to have it all! Well, in the life of Calvin this week (and it’s only Wednesday as I write), this week is no exception.
Monday saw the first of our HPE ‘mini excursions’ happening, with the Year 8s and Year 9s heading to the Kingborough Sports Centre for indoor cricket and European handball respectively. A number of Calvin students from the Secondary School have been participating in Tasmanian Rugby Union rugby training at Kingston Beach Oval in the evenings (from 6pm) and all other U12 to U16 boys and girls are welcome. Our KHBA (Kingborough Huon Basketball Association) after-school basketball rosters were also in full swing this week with teams from Year 3/4 all the way through to our Year 9/10 teams all having a run. We also had our SATIS (Sports Association of Tasmanian Independent Schools) basketball rosters start up this week with our Year 9 girls playing on Monday night, Year 7 girls playing on Wednesday night, Division 1 boys playing on Wednesday night and the Division 1 girls playing on Thursday night. The Primary School soccer teams have continued to excel in their respective rosters on Saturday mornings as well.
Tuesday’s early morning emergency evacuation due to a potential fire in the Secondary School administration building certainly got the adrenalin going. All credit to the students for their adaptability and compliance as they arrived at school only to be redirected to the Emergency Assembly point. With no fuss or uncertainty, teachers assumed their positions, donned their respective identification items and carried out their emergency protocols with absolute professionalism and efficiency.
In keeping with the theme of quick thinking and responding to unfolding situations, Tuesday also saw the effects of the anticipated cold front as roads were closed and buses were diverted or stranded. Whilst the timelines were tight, our students from both campuses were accounted for and parents were informed of the arrangements, albeit in their fluidity.
Despite the disruptions to commuting, parent-teacher interviews remained a highlight of both the Primary and Secondary School calendars. Where parents were unable to attend their scheduled times, our now all too familiar relationship with technology allowed those interviews to still happen — either as phone calls or online.
School photos were the order of the day for the Primary School on Wednesday and on Thursday. We played host to a professional photographer who was invited to showcase Calvin life across both campuses. The Secondary School then had their turn on Friday to have their photos taken.
The Thursday co-curricular program got under way on Thursday and continues this week, as do the regular scheduled Outdoor Education excursions. We also look forward to the first official face-to-face meeting of the Primary School as they gather for assembly for the first time since social distancing measures were first implemented in March.
In each of these events, whether planned or unplanned, some very special people have stepped up and been a hero. So, whether that hero was a parent, student, teacher, front office staff, bus driver, coach or crossing guard, to each of you, may you know God’s favour and be blessed. It is because of you, that we continue to do ‘school’…and do it well!
Ken Holloway — Director of Operations