When was the last time you received a report card on your work?
Sometimes we might experience an annual review or receive feedback on an aspect of our work, we rarely have the opportunity to sit down and read through a thorough report on each aspect of our worklife. Perhaps to do so, would help us to consider the vulnerability of our children at report time.
We quickly forget what it is like being a student, including the excitement or pressure of waiting for that final report that summarises our successes, and perhaps missed opportunities over the course of a year. You may remember the report cards that listed a grade with one or two words, something along the lines of “poor”, “good”, or most exciting of all “very good”. However, your report looked, there was always that moment of trepidation as our parents opened, read, digested, and then responded to the report.
The parental conversations that happen at report time have the power to inspire and encourage our children, at their worst, they can demoralise and demotivate. Used wisely, these can be opportunities to build relationship as we help our children to consider the decisions (small and large) that will bring about positive change.
What better way to use a report than to counsel and coach our children to understand cause and consequence. Proverbs 15:23 reminds us that well-chosen words can powerfully influence a hearer: “A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!”
This week, reports for Calvin Christian School students become available. As parents, I encourage you to carefully read and discuss these with your child. Reaffirming that they are people of worth not because of what they have done but because they are made in the image of their Creator and that they are loved by you. Next term, we look forward to welcoming you to our parent-teacher interviews face-to-face or over the phone.
Scott Ambrose — Principal