Valuing Diversity...

Earlier this week, we enjoyed a great Athletics Carnival for our secondary students at the Queen’s Domain Athletic Centre.

It is always exciting to see students give of their best, whether that be through exceptional performances or willing participation. The involvement and sense of connection that is generated from that is such a privilege to see in action.

During my time at the carnival, I had a chance to speak to one of our new students who was able to share about the ways that he had been connecting and his early experiences at Calvin Christian School. As he described his classes and peer connection, he summarised it simply as “this is a good school”.

His comment was a reminder that sometimes we become so focussed on the challenges and hurdles that we forget to value the community and our expression of community.

His comment was a reminder that sometimes we become so focussed on the challenges and hurdles that we forget to value the community and our expression of community. I have been so encouraged by what I am seeing in the Calvin community: staff who value relationship and give of themselves, students who are finding their place and growing in their understanding of what it means to be an encourager and builder of community, and our broader community who are often speaking so highly of our School. Just this week, one of our staff members was told “Your school has such a good reputation. I’ve heard it’s really good”.

I have been so encouraged by what I am seeing in the Calvin community...

As a community which seeks to place God at the centre of all that we do, I was reminded of Paul’s encouragement to the young church meeting in Ephesus: “…you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household” (Eph.2:19). As we have celebrated our cultural diversity through Harmony Day this last week, this Scripture serves as a great encouragement that, as diverse as we are in background, through our relationship with God we find a common community. A community strengthened as we experience what it is to be brothers and sisters in Christ. That welcome extends to all who want to be part of School community where God is at the centre of all that we do and where we invite Jesus to actively transform our lives and classes.

Scott Ambrose - Principal