Bunny Farming?
Bunny farming? I had never considered the possibility of this particular career avenue until this week.
On Monday afternoon, I was privileged to be a member of the audience at the Kinder Sanchez Christmas Event. A highlight of the afternoon was a video interview with the Kindergarten children exploring their ideas through some simple questions, such as what Mum and Dad do when they are at school and their thoughts about the future. Bunny farming was a delightful idea from one of our Kinder girls but it had a heart behind it.
“It is a privilege to hear the heart of our young people as they express profound truths about hope, faith, care, and concern for one another.”
As she briefly explained, she wanted to care for these bunnies and look after them. Whilst the idea might seem unusual, the heart of care and concern is something even us as ‘world weary’ adults can understand and appreciate. Another two students explained that one would like to work at the Police Station and another at the Fire Station which brought an incredible moment of insight from one boy as he turned delightedly to his friend and said, ‘we can see each other!’.
We are navigating a busy two weeks of celebrations at Calvin Christian School, including our incredible Year 6 students who stood yesterday in front of a room full of adults and family members and spoke of their experiences, their hopes for the future. It is a privilege to hear the heart of our young people as they express profound truths about hope, faith, care, and concern for one another.
It is worth stopping and listening to our young people. As the psalmist writes – ‘Out of the mouths of children and infants You have ordained praise’ (Psalm 8:2).
Scott Ambrose - Principal