The Hum of Community

Have you ever walked past a row of lavender in full bloom or a field of flowers and heard the buzz? 

Walking through my garden this summer, I have been amazed by the constant hum that fills the air as an assortment of bees busy themselves with the business of pollen collection. Our School has had a buzz about it already this week and it feels like it is humming with the excited life of students connecting or re-connecting. 

The emptiness of our buildings during the holiday period has well and truly given way to the life and activity of students and staff re-engaged in relationship and education. From my perspective it has felt like a type of celebration in seeing each other again. A number of parents have told me that their children were eager to get back to friends and routines.

Part of being in community means making space for others and welcoming them. In a society where it can sometimes seem that life is meant to be all about us as individuals, it is refreshing to see students caring about and for others. I have seen this in action this week as students have made room for newcomers.

Part of being in community means making space for others and welcoming them.

I want to thank all of our ‘buddy’ students. In giving to others, our students have been a great example of Jesus’ reminder that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Robert Banks writes that “to embrace the Gospel…is to enter into community”.

Another wonderful aspect of community is the opportunity to celebrate one another and I had the privilege last week of seeing Calvin graduates receiving honours at Government House for their top achievements in Year 12 results and in vocational training. Success, of course, looks different for each individual. Our students are performing at the highest levels of academic demand and excelling in work-skills training whilst growing in relationship with one another and God.

Thank you for being part of our community this year. It is a privilege to partner with you as parents as we support our students as they learn and grow.

Scott Ambrose - Principal




Bunny Farming?