Chasing your Dreams

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt American diplomat, political activist and former first lady has been quoted saying these inspirational words.

And at first glance, they are quite motivational and impacting. Dream big, chase your dreams, you can do it. It's the message of the world that we live in today....but is it the right message for our young people to be hearing?

At our recent Gen Z Careers Workshop that our Year 9 and 10 students undertook they were challenged to dream and aspire to big heights. The message claimed that if they dreamed 'it', and chased 'it' they were bound to achieve 'it'. It's an interesting concept that would be wonderfully satisfying if it were true, but for me it raises three interesting questions.

  1. What is to be our motivation to work? Is it the chasing of our own pursuits and pleasures at all costs?

  2. Why should we even work? If life is about chasing dreams, doesn't work get in the way of that experiential fulfillment? 

  3. If we follow this 'formula' of dreaming big, will it work out the way we planned it to? If it doesn't then have we failed?

It is interesting to note that the mandate God gave in the garden to Adam and Eve charged them to work, and to work hard. He made humanity in His image, and He is a worker. The bible says "He works in all things for the good of those that love him" (Romans 8:28) and not only that, but we are God's workmanship (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore one can assume that He has created us to work for the good of others, for the good of creation, and for His glory, the one who made us. It's also interesting to note that soon after this mandate, things quickly changed and work became hard and often unfulfilling, no matter how much dreaming and efforts were sewn. Weeds grew, towers tumbled and fields yielded little harvest.  

So by all means actively seek for and chase that career that you enjoy and gives you satisfaction. God designed you to work because He wants you to work and actively use your contributions to bless others. God also uses the hardships and failures in our work and careers to build and strengthen us. But stop and remember your work is not ALL about you. 

Interested in exploring this work tension more? I found this article helpful in explaining on why Christians value hard work. As always if you have any questions about this or your pathway to the world of work I’d love to hear from you!

Carly Brouwer — Pathways Coordinator